We've shared some really good advice about outdoor drapery lately. But there are some really "nuts and bolts" type issues that need to be addressed. Obviously, what works inside
has to be modified to be practical for outdoors.

Because outdoor areas can be expansive, we offer a 2" diameter iron rod option that will allow 160" between brackets. It's pretty amazing, but we need some space for the panels to move. We like iron for outdoors because it is versatile and strong. Iron hardware can even be curved to fit inside arches.
Another big consideration is how the panels are to move on the rods. There are some options we like better than others. Of course grommets are always a good option. They slide well and hold the drapery panels securely to the rod. The amount of space needed for grommet draperies to stack when open is minimal as well. Luckily, grommets are available in a variety of sizes and finishes.

A more upscale option that we like a lot is to use tabs to secure the panels to an actual ring. It may sound complicated but its not. The rings we recommend have a large ring to slide on the rod, and a smaller ring dangles from the bottom. The tab is fastened through the smaller ring using an outdoor snap or velcro. The drapery moves easily along the rod, and still stacks in a fairly small space. One of the big advantages to this method is the easy removal of the panels seasonally, or for cleaning or repair.
The final detail in outdoor drapery is keeping the draperies in place when the wind kicks up. There are a few good options that work in most situations. Fabric tie-backs are always a great way to gather the drapery into a bundle that can be secured to the wall or a post with a hook. A more fashionable option is shown above with Helser Brothers' scroll tieback arm. As you can see, once the fabric is slipped into the tieback arm, it will stay in place until removed.
You can always trust us to plan, manufacture and install your outdoor projects perfectly.